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infosyon Group Events

Infosyon groups are self-organized groups of members of the association. They are used for collegial advice and intervision and are part of the quality requirements for certification according to infosyon criteria. Members who want to form a group are invited to describe the issue, nominate a spokesperson for the group and contact the board. The events of the groups are reported on this page. The groups act in a self-organized manner, the association assumes no liability for the effects of the groups. Members who are interested in participating in a group should contact the group spokesperson directly.


Peer group OA workshop Kassel 

consulting house in Kassel

In our OA workshop, you as a manager, manager, internal consultant or employee from common organizational areas can simulate challenging situations using the system constellation as a method and test the next steps. Students and participants in further education from various institutes are also welcome guests.


Possible goals: making decisions, finding company solutions & taking the next steps, clarifying team conflicts and taking on new perspectives, exploring self-organization in the company, strengthening managers...


A special price is granted to members of infosyon eV.


Dates and detailed information can be found here.


Registration and information:



Berlin regional group

Dr Andrea Bereth and Dr. Josef Merk cordially invite you

Our meetings take place on Mondays or Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the rooms of the IOM (Institute for Organization and Management), Wichmannstr. 7, 10787 Berlin.


If you are interested in the application of system constellations in organizations and professional contexts, you have come to the right place. We would like to demonstrate our working methods, share experiences and give collegial feedback on the evenings with changing moderation and with changing focuses.


Next meetings:

16 November 2023

04 March 2024

06 May 2024

08 July 2024

19 September 2024

07 November 2024


Please register

Participation is free of charge, as the premises are generously made available to us free of charge.

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Intervision group

Regular meetings since 2015, open to all infosyon members and interested parties

Our group originally emerged from an organizational constellation training course at WISL 2015/2016. We have since expanded, merged with the Wiesbaden group and usually meet alternatively in person  on Saturdays 11am - 3 pm  and online 2pm - 5pm.

April 27, 2024: in person (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

24 August 2024: online (1 p.m. to 5 p.m.)


Contact: Beate Ehmke


Regional group Wiesbaden 

With Scherin Beuther

The meetings take place from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (in the event that the meeting is set up online).


Registration and information:

leadership impulse Scherin Beuther eK

Scherin Beuther

0172 7813355

0611 16875607


WSRM group

Resilience development

The WSRM - Vienna Systemic Resilience Model - promotes individual and systemic resilience for organizations in the VUCA world. It extends the classic resilience models to include the factors of system clarity and awareness as well as systemic constellation work. In particular, with the "Individual and Collective Consciousness Constellation" we can explore concerns on all four system levels of an organization (individual, team, organizational level, market/society) in order to promote organizational resilience.


The group is led by Peter Klein and Edmund Ahrend. 

You can find more information and the opportunity to ask questions and to register here



Regional Group North

AAA+ setup user exchange in the PRO area

We start at 1:30 p.m., end of meetings around 5:30 p.m.

Angelika Leisering and Wolf Maurer cordially invite you. The meetings take place inEffective, Pappelallee 28, 22089 Hamburg. They are also open to non-infosyon members (yet).


Our vision is successful networking, further development and collegial cooperation in the northern region. We would like to develop new activities for this purpose. So that we inspire each other in co-creative, cooperative and collegial cooperation. The joint exploration room is open to all topics related to constellation work in the organizational and professional environment.


Let's explore together which topics we want to focus on and gain in-depth knowledge.


For participation we ask for a donation of 10 euros for room and catering. We ask for a binding registration under 

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Internal organizational statements


Organizational Constellations by and with Internal Practitioners – Online, International


This thematic group has set itself the goal of developing the potential of organizational constellation integrally and co-creatively.


You can find the complete description herehere.


Inquiries to:

Meike Bügler

+49 761 58 53 208


Regional group Switzerland

Experimental research group online and physical, Basel/Switzerland

Who likes to experiment and research? Discover new scope for design and possible uses? Would you like to join a group of like-minded people to practice, explore, experiment, share experiences and learn with and from each other? Then you are very welcome to this online regional group Basel as an infosyon member or as a (not yet) member!


The online meetings take place once a month from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and are supported in the form of a wide variety of online constellation tools. Physical meetings take place in Basel Arlesheim.


The spirit of research is at the center of what we do and everything and nothing is possible here. We are open, based on the known, existing teachings, but are allowed to experiment and exchange ideas out of the box. We want to combine a wide variety of methods with the constellation work and include a wide variety of contexts. Be there!


For the current dates or more information, please send an email to Carmen Pipola


We look forward to you!

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