infosyon member
Learning Nuggets
Inspiration, Exchange and practice
In two-hour online events, speakers from the organizational and working world present their knowledge, skills and actions.
Free for infosyon members in 2024 thanks to a wonderful agreement with Romy Gerhard.
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Dates, further information and to register
These events are in German!
Conposium 2024
an der Universität Bremen
16. - 20. September
In the Constellation Symposium, or Conposium for short, science and practice come together to explore the world together using constellations, especially the world of organizations. Anyone interested in the new format of exploratory constellations is invited to take part in the free event at the University of Bremen.
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ has once again invited people who work with the method of exploratory constellations in science and practice. You can find more information at:
Organisational Constellations
Training in Munich
This advanced training is about the professional application of system constellations for organizations, teams and individuals. The focus is on change and transformation processes and the ability of the method to capture the essence in real time.
La Formación que ofrecemos se basa en las constelaciones sistémicas estructurales (SySt®) originadas y desarrolladas por Insa Sparrer y Matthias Varga von Kibèd a partir de fines de la década del 1980.
Es una herramienta que te va a permitir expandir tu profesión y obtener recursos para gestionar crisis o problemas que aparecen bloqueados, ofreciendo una nueva perspectiva.