Milestones of History
by infosyon eV
Decision to found infosyon: 27.11.2003 registration as a non-profit organisation "International Forum for System Constellations in Organisations and Working Contexts - infosyon" on 04.07.2004 in Kassel (D)
Founding members: Friedrich Assländer (D), Guni Baxa (A), Michael Blumenstein (D), Annelies Boutellier (NL), Christine Essen (A), Ursula Hempel-Taraz (D), Birgit Knegendorf-Reincke (D), Henriette Katharina Lingg (D), Loni Lücke (D), Ekkehard Nau (D), Claude Rosselet (CH), Georg Senoner (I), Kuno Sohm (A), Jan Jacob Stam (NL), Gerhard Stey (D), Gunthard Weber (D).
First Members of the Board: Michael Blumenstein, Henriette Katharina Lingg, Claude Rosselet und Gerhard Stey
Homepage: went online summer 2004; re-launch in 3/2010
Events to the state-of-the-art
Conference: OE meets OA, 28. - 30.11.2003, Kassel
Conference: OA meets Management, 28. - 30.04.2006, Fulda
Conference: Der Tanz mit der Emergenz - Systemaufstellung trifft zusammen mit Projektmanagement/Lernender Organisation/Coaching, 11. - 14.04.2008, Herrsching/Munich
Events to research and & sharing experience
Working forum, 15./16.11.2002, Univ. Kassel, Kick off
Working forum, 16./17.09.2005, Univ. Kassel3. Working forum, 30./31.03.2007, Univ. Karlsruhe
International Coming together - Sharing Experience, 25./26.07.2009, Abano (I)
International infosyon Conference: Organisational Constellations - Intelligent Solutions for Professional Fields, 15. - 17.04.2011, Vienna (A)
Quality assurance
2005: Introduction of quality standards for system constellations in organisations as well as a code of conduct; start of the list of certified Professionals on the infosyon homepage
2008: Introduction of advanced training standards for system constellations in Organisations; start of the list of certified Master-Trainers and training curricula on the infosyon homepage
Following the first workshop entitled "Organisation Constellations" held in Wiesloch, Germany in 1998, a large number of regional learning workshops were created. With the considerable initiative of Thomas Siefer, they combined into a network consisting of 30 learning workshops with approximately 600 people. The coordination of this combined group was later taken over by Jörg Bitzer und Ekkehard Nau.
In order to strengthen this common spirit, Gunthard Weber invited 18 committed constellation experts from a number of countries to Wiesloch in April 2001. This initiated the formation of the "Easter Group". Using a variety of measures, it set itself the goal of establishing the System Constellation as a recognised method.
At the same time, the organisational integration into the International Working Community for Systemic Solutions based on the work of Bert Hellinger (IAG), in the form of an independent section was taken further.
For the members of the Easter Group, the principle of openness towards theoretical and practical impulses from different directions was extremely important. The concepts of Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber, as well as Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibéd were accepted with equal interest, tried out and discussed. Important impulses also came from the learning workshops themselves as well as from numerous other people who were involved in the evolution of System Constellations for organisations and the working place.
On 15 - 16 November 2002, 140 people interested in constellation work met in Kassel, Germany for the kick-off event entitled "Organisation Constellation Work on the Path to becoming a Recognised Consulting Method – What we are doing about it". In an "Open Space" framework, important topics were discussed and working groups were formed, adding a valuable contribution to the Easter Group.
In September 2003, the Easter Group met in Eugendorf, near Salzburg, Austria with the purpose of clarifying how to position themselves towards the variety of partners with whom they were connected. The group decided to release itself from its organisational connection to IAG and to found a forum of its own.
The first conference on 28 - 30 November 2003, again held in Kassel, brought together 340 participants. With the title "OA meets OE" points of connection and contact between Organisation Constellations and Organisation Development were selected and expanded. This conference was organised by Gerhard Stey, Gabriele Dehlinger and members of the Easter Group.
Prior to the conference, on 27 November 2003, a firm decision was taken to create a professional association: the non-profit association "International Forum for System Constellations in Organisations and the Workplace (infosyon)" was founded in Kassel. The 16 founding members were: Friedrich Assländer (D), Guni Baxa (A), Michael Blumenstein (D), Annelies Boutellier (NL), Christine Essen (A), Ursula Hempel-Taraz (D), Birgit Knegendorf-Reincke (D), Henriette Katharina Lingg (D), Loni Lücke (D), Ekkehard Nau (D), Claude Rosselet (CH), Georg Senoner (I), Kuno Sohm (A), Jan Jacob Stam (NL), Gerhard Stey (D), Gunthard Weber (D).
Michael Blumenstein, Henriette Katharina Lingg, Claude Rosselet and Gerhard Stey began their work as the first Members of the Board.
From this time on the direction of an independent organisational specific identity was intensely worked on. With the development of challenging Quality standards (2005), Training standards (2008) as well as a code of conduct, important standards to ensure quality were set. Certified colleagues and training curricula were then presented as a sign of quality to customers via the homepage and later by a quality seal.
The development and networking of the community took place at large conferences (emphasis "State-of-the-Art"), smaller working groups (emphasis - research) as well as in many local learning workshops, experimental and practice groups. The development was clearly in the direction of conception connectivity and the integration into processes and instruments of organisations.
With this the structure of the community changed. "Visiting guests" left but a smaller but highly qualified mixture of organisational consultants, coaches, internal trainers as well as more and more managers, entrepreneurs and representatives from bordering management methods began to crystallize.
In 2009 infosyon set a further milestone with the first conference Coming Together - Sharing Experience, held in English in Abano, Italy, in cooperation with METAFORUM: On one hand in the direction of internationalisation, on the other hand, in the direction of interdisciplinary cooperation of experts. This is an example of the new dual event concept for 2010/11, "Professional Fields" >>work local – present global<<.
The results of the numerous Professional Field initiatives were presented in the 4th large International infosyon conference "Intelligent Solutions for Professional Fields" 15 – 17 April 2011 in Vienna. This very lively conference, showing a variety of methods, brought participants together from 14 different countries. The pioneers of organisational constellations such as Gunthard Weber, Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Insa Sparrer, Jan Jacob Stam etc. exchanged ideas with a young generation of constellation facilitators, managers and, present for the first time, researchers.
Each board sets new emphasis and brings infosyon a further step forward. Interdisciplinarity and internationality are emphasised in the work of the board of Brigitte Sachs-Schaffer (A), Katrina Kirchbaumer (GB), Thomas Gehlert (D), Eduard Ulreich (A) as well as the co-opted members Gerhard Gigler (D) and Alexandra Lerchl (A).
During the Members General Assembly at the conference in Vienna 2011 it was decided to continue the focus on expanding the internationality of infosyon. This will be carried on by the new board: Katrina Kirchbaumer (GB), Gerhard Gigler (D), Alexandra Lerchl (A), Cecilio Regojo (Por), Friedlinde Rothgängel (D).
From this point
intensive work was carried out towards an independent organization-specific identity: With the development of demanding quality standards (2005), further training standards (2008) and a code of conduct, important standards for quality assurance were set. From then on, certified colleagues and further training curricula were presented on the infosyon homepage and later also identified with a seal for customers.
The development work and networking of the community took place at the large specialist conferences (focus on state-of-the-art), the smaller work forums (focus on research) and in many local learning workshops, experimentation and exercise groups. The development clearly went in the direction of conceptual connectivity and integration into processes and organizational instruments.
The membership structure also changed. Today, infosyon is supported by a highly qualified mix of organizational consultants, coaches, internal trainers and increasingly executives, entrepreneurs and representatives from related management methods.
With the first English-language "Coming Together - Sharing Experience" in Abano in 2009 (in cooperation with METAFORUM), infosyon set another milestone: on the one hand in the direction of internationalization, on the other hand in the direction of interdisciplinary cooperation between experts. This also corresponded to the new dual event concept for 2010/11, "Professional Fields" >>work local - present global<<.
The results of numerous development initiatives were presented at the 4th major conference, the "International infosyon Conference - Intelligent solutions for professional fields", 15. - Presented in Vienna (A) on April 17, 2011. This very lively, methodologically diverse conference brought together participants from 14 nations. Pioneers of organizational constellation such as Gunthard Weber, Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Insa Sparrer, Jan Jacob Stam and others engaged in an exchange with the younger generations of constellators, managers and - clearly represented for the first time - researchers.
Each board sets new accents and thus takes infosyon one step further. Interdisciplinarity and internationality characterize the work of the board team Brigitte Sachs-Schaffer (A), Katrina Kirchbaumer (GB), Thomas Gehlert (D), Eduard Ulreich (A) and the co-opted members Gerhard Gigler (D) and Alexandra Lerchl (A).
At the general meeting at the Vienna Conference in 2011, the focus of infosyon was on expanding internationality. The composition of the new board takes this into account. The following were elected: Katrina Kirchbaumer (GB), Gerhard Gigler (D), Alexandra Lerchl (A), Cecilio Regojo (Por), Friedlinde Rothgaengel (D).